
Winter Remedy: Remove 5 Years of Aging in 20 Minutes with LaseMD

Seasonal skin conditions are the bane of our existence—and as we creep towards winter, we’re naturally bracing ourselves for the onslaught of winter complexion issues. 

Summertime UV rays can leave skin with unwanted dark spots, freckles and other forms of pigmentation. Longtime exposure to UV rays can also leave skin with unwanted fine lines and wrinkles, unbalanced texture, faded tone and more. As our tans from summer fade, it can leave many of us with simply tired-looking skin. 

So what can you do?

With the New Year almost here, make it your resolution to reclaim the complexion of your youth. At Magdalena European Med Spa, we use Lutronic’s LaseMD, a revolutionary non-invasive laser treatment that can give your skin a revitalizing “boost,” or it can help you achieve a full resurfacing that can remove up to 5 years of aging in a 20-minute treatment. Your skin will feel and look great afterward!

LaseMD, a resurfacing laser that rebuilds glowing, healthy skin through gentle but effective non-ablative fractionated treatments.

Wintertime is the perfect time for a new rejuvenation routine, especially laser treatments. Why? Because it’s best to avoid any and all sun exposure after getting a laser treatment. This allows for the skin rejuvenation process to work in the most effective way. Sun exposure can severely damage the process and worsen your condition.

Restore your skin now and have it glowing before the summer months. Lutronic’s LaseMD laser may be just the treatment you need to transform your skin!

How does it work?

Lutronic’s LaseMD laser boosts your body’s natural production of collagen and elastin, which helps to improve the overall health and quality of the skin at a cellular level.

This laser is dramatically different from traditional resurfacing lasers. It rebuilds glowing, healthy skin through gentle, non-ablative fractionated treatments. At Magdalena European Med Spa, we offer three types of treatment depending on your goals and how much downtime will work for you.

Before and After using LaseMD
Photo courtesy: Gilly Munavalli, MD, MHS, FACMS, Lutronic Aesthetic
Before and After using LaseMD
Photo Courtesy: Dr. Goo Leo Boncehol, Lutronic Aesthetic
Before and After using LaseMD
Photo Courtesy: Dr. Nark-Kyoung Rho, Leaders Clinic, Lutronic Aesthetic

LaseMD Glo: A painless procedure where you will experience only 4-6 hours of redness which will look like mild sunburn. It’s used to treat Melasma, to remove acne, and to give skin a “boost” – leading to improved tone, quality and texture of skin. However, it is not strong enough to remove fine lines or tighten skin. It will remove some sun damage, but we recommend LaseMD Refine treatments for more sun damage removal.

LaseMD Refine: This treatment is meant for removing sun damage and fine lines. The treatment takes only about 10 minutes and you will see some redness for the rest of the day that looks a little bit like a mild sunburn. You may experience a bit of light flaking, but you will see significant results after about 2 weeks, and full results after 3 months.

LaseMDRestor: This procedure removes sun damage, fine lines, and also tightens sagging skin around your mouth, jowls or décolleté. You’ll experience 5-7 days of redness and flaking. However, with more downtime, that means you’ll get better results! This particular treatment will help remove years from your face, neck or hands in a single treatment. 

Photo courtesy: Lutronic Aesthetic

What areas can be treated?

LaseMD can be safely used on any area of the body where you have fine lines and sun damage. The most common area of treatment is the face, followed by the neck, chest, arms hands and shoulders.

Who is a good candidate?

LaseMD is appropriate for anyone with sun damage, fine lines, Melasma, or anyone looking for a brighter skin tone and improved texture. LaseMD is safe for all skin types and colors and can be used when your skin is tanned as well.

What are the results?

You should be able to see visible improvement in your skin tone and texture following your first treatment. With each additional treatment, you’ll remove more fine lines, pigmentation, acne scarring and you’ll be left with a more even skin tone/texture and the overall quality of your skin will be improved. **Individual results may vary from patient to patient. **

You will see visible improvement in your skin tone and texture following your first treatment with LaseMD.

So what are you waiting for? Say ‘goodbye’ to your tired summertime fine lines and ‘hello’ to glowing skin this winter. Book your consultation at Magdalena European Med Spa today and kick off your new rejuvenation routine for the New Year!

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